Sav-A-Heart Is A Preferred American Heart Association Training Center.

Our teachers are passionate about CPR training and believe that we are saving lives by teaching individuals critical CPR skills.

AHA Certified CPR ● AED ● First-Aid ● BLS ● Instructor Training

Sav-A-Heart was founded in 1986. We provide specialized training to corporations, government agencies, and individuals in CPR, AED, First-Aid, and Instructor Training. We are currently one of six statewide preferred training centers endorsed by the the American Heart Association and travel throughout Texas.

Course Schedule

  • Additional classes available daily. Please call or email for times or to schedule a class at your location.


  • 6 pm - 8 pm: HealthCare Provider Renewal


  • 5:30 pm - 8 pm: HealthCare Provider Full Course

Monday - Saturday

  • Scheduled at your convenience: Healthcare Provider Skills Check(Must complete online portion first and provide completion certificate)
  • Call or email to schedule.
  • 512-257-0508

1 Saturday a month with Additional Scheduled as Needed

Did you Know?

A person's chances of surviving a heart attack can be improved by up to 70% by starting the American Heart Association's "Chain of Survival".

Almost 90% of people who suffer out of hospital cardiac arrest die. If CPR is started in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest it can double or triple a persons chances of survival.